Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Don't think Back, think To The Future!

  Back To The Future is one of the best movies of all time, at least I think so. But something Thats always bothered me is how nobody but Doc Brown and Marty Mcfly remember all the things that they do. Noboby knows all the ways they mess up but them. I was thinking about all the mistakes they made and how it afffected their futures and realized that it didn't matter that nobody else could remember what they had done, because they could.

  Just because Marty and Doc Brown were the only ones who knew about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. All the things they did were still real, they just had the chance to go back and fix them. They were able to see the results of their choices and make the right ones. They could improve their lives because of it. This is something that anybody can do, and it doesn't take a Flux Capaciter to do it.

  We have been provided with a way to go back and make up for things that we've done wrong, this process is called repentance. The reason we have the opportunity to repent is because nobody is perfect, everyone will make mistakes. When we do something wrong we have feelings of guilt over that thing, and repentance is the process of feeling real sorrow over what we've done. We then do all we can to make it right. After we have done all we can to fix our mistakes, we turn to our Father in Heaven. The last part of repenting is confessing to God what we have done and then forsaking it, or never do it again.

  Repentance may not be easy, but it will always be worth it. "Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more." (Doctorine and Covenants 58:42) It's like it never happened. Its almost as if you jumped into a Delorian, went back in time, and stopped yourself from doing that thing. But though God will not remember, you always will, so that you will never do it again. We need to think about whats happening right now, once your forgiven your free to move on and be happy. Don't think Back, think To The Future!

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