Wednesday, October 12, 2011


  I love fighting games, and one of my favorites is Mortal Kombat. In Mortal Kombat a group of talented fighters battle to defend the earth from an evil tyrant named Shao Kahn who wants to be the king of everything. The only way Shao Kahn can conquer the earth is by beating earths champions 10 times in a row in a tournament to the death. This tournament is called Mortal Kombat, because the fighters lives are on the line. This game is closer to reality than you think. We all fight evil every day in a tournament of the spirit, where your very soul is on the line. I'll tell you how and why we fight our very own Immortal Kombat.

  Every day we are tempted, whether it be to break the law or just do something we know isn't right, it's something we deal with all the time. But what most people don't think about is why we are tempted, and what happens when we give in. We are tempted by a tyrant who wants to conquer us, and we can't let him win.

   We fought a war before we were born, against someone who wanted to be our king. We all fought on the side of God who is that same all powerful being that made us and our enemy was our brother. We were spirits created by our Heavenly Father, he had a plan so that we could have bodies, make choices, and grow closer to him. But one of the spirits thought he had a better plan, to force everyone to make good choices so that everyone could be perfect and then this spirit could have all the glory. The spirits name was Lucifer or Satan, and God saw the flaw in Satan's plan. If we were all forced to good then we would never learn, and we would not appreciate what we had. So Satan's plan was rejected and Satan rebelled. He took one third of the spirits in heaven with him. We fought for our Father, and Satan was cast to earth. Satan was put on earth as part of our test, to see if we would really choose God's way and be happy or choose the devils way and be miserable.

  So now we fight, every day. We battle an evil army led by the spirit that wants to rule over us. But we don't fight alone, we were given a champion to defend us. When God made his plan he knew we would make mistakes, so he provided a way for us to be forgiven. He gave us his son Jesus Christ to take upon himself the sins of the whole world so that we might have a fair chance. When Satan wraps his chains around us and says "Get over here" and "Your soul is mine", Christ can come in with a combo breaker and deliver a Fatality. But we have to let Him. We have to follow the commandments, we have to repent of our sins, and we have to make promises with God so that we can be saved if we will follow him. And then when we have done our best then we can say like Paul, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith". And we can live with God, and be happy for all of eternity.